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The Stock Market and the Business Cycle: Their Correlative Relationship

Many people think that investing in stocks is a surefire way to get rich and hit the jackpot.  The reality couldn’t be further from the truth.  See, the truth is that to get average returns that beat inflation, all you need to do is put it in an index fund.  Index funds will match the market returns of whichever market the index fund follows, be it the S&P 500, the Dow Jones, or the Nasdaq.  The market, on average, has been known to return an average of 10% per year.

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What is the Business Cycle and How Does it Work?

The business cycle affects everyone, from the busy banker to a simple utility worker. These two words mean a lot in daily broadsheets because the effects can be tremendous enough to shake the entire stock market and bring people out of job. What actually is a business cycle and how does it work? If it is a cycle, can it be predicted? What are the important characteristics we should know about?

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