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The 10 College Majors With The Lowest Unemployment Rates

Many college graduates are still struggling to find jobs in fields that are related to their major—or jobs at all in general.  The good news is, not all college graduates are experiencing this type of hardship in the job market.  In fact companies are actively seeking out college graduates in various majors.  There are even some majors that have virtually zero percent unemployment rate.  Below are ten majors that have the lowest unemployment rates and also some noteworthy runner-ups.

All median salary information is from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, which may be radically different from numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

1. Actuarial Science—0 percent, median earning at $81,000

Actuaries assess financial risk and uncertainty.  Those who major in actuarial science or have a strong math and quantitative background are quickly snatched up by insurance and financial companies to become actuaries.  Actuaries are expected to already have or develop certain skills such as probability, statistics, computer science, economics, and advanced mathematics.  After all, those skills are essential to assessing risk.  The occupation has consistently been been one of the most in-demand in the past years and there continues to be a huge demand for the profession going forward.

2. Astronomy and Astrophysics—0 percent, median earning at $62,000

Those who wish to work in the field of astronomy and astrophysics will need a Physics degree.  This line of work deals with understanding celestrial objects such as planets, galaxies solar systems, and stars.  Those who earn bachelors degrees in Astronomy and Astrophysics go on to get their graduate degrees in the field to further their careers.

3. Academic Administration (Educational Administration and Supervision)—0 percent, median earning at $65,000

Those who work in this field are administrators of schools and school systems (K-12).  Jobs in this field include such supervisory roles as Principals, HR director, and IT director or support roles such as audit and IT support.  Those in this field sometimes have Master degrees and will need to have some work experience before taking on a leadership role.

4. Geological and Geophysical Engineering—0 percent, median earning at $73,000

Geological and geophysical engineers use quantitative skills to study geology. Popular specialties include earthquakes, land structures, and rock formation.

5. Pharmacology—0 percent,median earning at $60,000

Pharmacology is the study of how drugs react to living organisms, such as humans.  This field also involves high levels of quantitative thinking with a deep understanding of working chemistry and biology.

6. School Student Counseling—0 percent, median earning at $20,000

This is the lowest paying job on the list of majors with the lowest unemployment; it is also very rewarding work.  Those who go into this field work with students to meet their academic needs.

7. Teachers (of all levels) – 1.5 percent, median earning at $38,000

There is a vast need for teachers and schools are increasing monetary incentives for those that want to go into this profession.  There are a lot of complaints about the long hours and the low pay—but you can’t beat having three months off out of the year.

8. Agricultural Economics—1.3 percent, median earning at $57,000

Those in this field apply the vast theories of economics to the study crop and livestock.  It uses economic principles of international trade, labor markets, and capital allocation (among many other principles) to study agriculture.  This field of study is also known as agronomics.

9. Medical Technologies Technicians—1.4 percent, $58,000

Those who are in this specific field are called medical technologists and are in charge of operating medical technology in labs and medical centers.  Medical technologists uses their medical tools to analyze blood, dna, bacteria, among a plethora of other  biological specimens.  They are also sometimes referred to medical laboratory scientists.  If you’ve seen CSI or any of the other police procedural tv shows, then you’ve seen a medical technologist at work—albeit their real jobs aren’t as dramatic.

10.Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology—1.6 percent, median earning at $68,000

Those in this field study the weather and climate of Earth and compile reports from and forecasts from their  study.  Those who work in the research sector of this field will usually need at least a Masters (but most likely a PhD).

Noteworthy Runner ups (all with 2.2 percent unemployment):

  • Environmental Engineering, median earning at $67,000
  • Nursing, median earning at $60,000
  • Nuclear Industrial Radiology and Biological Technologies, median earning at $64,000
  • Public Policy, median earning at $65,000


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