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Why Having a Credit Card Can Be a Good Thing

Credit cards. Those magic “all inclusive” passes to the world of buying things you can’t really afford with money you don’t actually have. I know I’ve warned you before about the evils of credit cards and credit card debt, but in the interest of fairness, there are always two sides to every debate, so to be fair I’ll tell you some of the reasons why having a credit card  can sometimes be a positive decision.

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Perks of Having A Credit Card

A lot of people use a credit card and think that the only perk to having one is that you can pay for things you buy later.  However, that is definitely not the only advantage to having a credit card.  In fact, besides all the rewards cards, there are also a lot of perks that comes standard with every credit card.  Again, these are perks that everyone is entitled to; all you have to do is ask.  Here are some of the perks available to you if you would just ask.

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How To Build Good Credit

Credit is something that is very important in our society and is the currency of financial trust.  If you do not have good credit, you have the potential to lose out on a lot of savings, investment opportunities, as well as jobs.  So in this article, we will go over the key points you need to know in order to know how to build good credit.

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How Credit Cards Work: Understanding Credit Cards

A credit card is essentially a loan from a bank that can be taken out at any time during your discretion.  When you use credit, you are effectively taking out a loan against the issuer of the credit card.  Therefore, you have an obligation to pay that debt.  A credit card issuer will impose a credit limit on you according to your credit score and credit history.  Those with a bad credit score will usually have a low credit limit as well as those without a credit history.  This is because there is always an inherent risk in loaning someone money.

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Tips For Your First Credit Card

Getting your first credit card can be an exciting venture.  To some, it is a passage to adulthood.  You may notice that when you first arrive at college, credit card companies bombard you with offers by having booths all around campus and giving away free stuff.  All you have to do is apply and you get a bunch of free stuff.  It is important that when you apply you are applying for your first credit card, that you choose wisely and do not go crazy.  Because doing so, can potentially ruin your credit score before you even get your first credit card.  The following pointers are guidelines that you should follow when applying for your first credit card:

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Understanding the Fico Credit Score Range

The standard FICO credit score ranges from 300-850 and is computed using a mathematical model invented by the Fair Isaac Corporation in 1956 as a vehicle to combat lending default and assess the risk of borrowers.

All three credit bureaus (Transunion, Experian, Equifax) use a slightly different version of the FICO credit scoring system.  Regardless, the original FICO system is still the most widely used credit scoring system—and also the most reputable.



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